The State Theater provided motion pictures all ages days a week. On certain Saturday's, kids would be admitted for six pepsi-cola tops to see chapter-series flicks,like Flash Gordon or some Western. This was called Matinee Saturday's, and you held on to your ticket to see if it matched the Grand-Prizes number(bicycle-wagons..)
As we matured, that was a place to take a date or just meet friends, and have fun. Someone seated at the rear of the theater seemed to always let a empty glass soda bottle roll several rows toward the front stage. A lot of giggling and HA!HA's! followed until someone stopped the roll or the seat leg.
This is what I remember......What are your memories of the State Theater.....anyone with pictures to include,please do.
I have searched, with no success, to find photos of the State Theater.
Charles what a great memories, what year was this taken it look like the 1940's I just loved going to the State Theater what good fun, stay in there so long I could not hardly see when I came out.LOL
Hi Don, I loved going to the State Theater back in the day. My early years found me at the saturday matinees and as I got older I would go on Sunday evenings. What a great place our community had for entertainment.
You might remember my older brother Kenneth Wilson(1945-1995), who was a senior the year you left in '63.
You are absolutely right the fact that a lot of things happened on that corner, some bad but most was that a lot of good people used that well known intersection to meet others or go through to some other place.
Hello Charles, my name is Don Wilson and I worked at the state theater. Sold pop corn and hot dogs to people in and out of the theater. Two of my friends were John Authur Wilson and Charles Titus, we were all on the drill team together. Had a lot of grerat times at the state and saw a lot of things on the corner of Thomas & Hall:)
OMGOSH,, the State theater that was one of my happy times. I remember getting put out of the show one saturday, me and some other kids for making too much noise. I was so scared to go home ( you know parents didn't play back then). I had to explain why I was home before the movie was over, so need less to say the State didn't see me for a while. I remember my grandmother saying ,you won't be going there for a while embarrassing us like that (and I thought, you weren't there), but you know I didn't say it.
I'm late weighing in on the State Theatre, however guys, I wonder why my daddy and mommy never gave us money for pop corn? Perhaps they didn't have it, huh? Anyway, we always got the candid covered baked beans from the machines. I don't remember if the machines were penny machines or not, but my sister and brothers would get them and we shared the eating. So much fun! We, the girls, were not allowed to go up the stairs. My brothers used to tell us that it was not safe. We simply took their word for it! We trusted them. We never went to the movies without the boys. We went together and we left together. Momma and daddy would be home with food awaiting us, once we returned, And we took turns telling of the movies we had watched. Baby Jr, always made the movies sound so much more scary than they really were. Anyway, those were the days! Thanks for allowing me to weigh in. Til later.......
Hi Mary, I'm still in Oak Cliff. Sammy was one of my grandson best friends. Yes I had a brother named Jack who passed away in 1991. Yes I worked for AA for 34 years, Joe Mack yes, I remember Joe
Hello Fred, ex Oak Cliff around the corner neighbor, my son Sammy use to play with your grandson. Do you have a brother name Jack Lowery. also did you work at American Airline with a man name Joe Mack ?
What happen to Fredrick Hannah ? He was really a good friend