This is an actual shot of 2013's Supermoon that I inserted in a nice picture of the Dallas downtown skyline I found online and added the red text at the bottom. If you took your own 'supermoon' pics and want to share them here or comment on this one, enjoy.
11164101889?profile=originalRemembered 'Doowopically' in 1958 music by the Capris....

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  • It's a moth's a volley's SUPER MOON 2013!

  • I look forward to receiving this GIFT for us!  Thanks big brother...I simply love ya!

  • That's a beautiful dream, Deb. (big smile) When I've got a few minutes maybe I can insert that picture of you in the moon and give the resulting pic to you and Dwight as a gift.

  • Galen, if I knew how to insert....I'm not that technical anymore, I would place my beautiful face right in the center of your supermoon and wink at you...hahahahaha.....this picture is beautiful.  I can see me and Dwight sitting out on our balcony downtown on the 23rd floor overlooking downtown admiring this beautiful scene....well I can dream can't I....huge hahahahaha

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