61 Class Reunion 2011 065

Oliver, Dennis, Richard, Arthur, Chuck, Harold, and Roy -- (Bet you wonder how I knew with most of their backs turned, don't ya?) :-)
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  • Galen you should have known who you were taking pictures of?  Remember.......you "were" there! hahaha...plus, I know you "helped" them to dress for the event too...hahaha
  • Amen,...Thats great.
  • I guess all of the dancers stayed home.  They couldn't find their "dancing" shoes.hahaha. And I know where Travis was...he was outside on the parking lot with Buddy.  They were putting all of the left over food in their cars..hahaha. But I know if Clyde had been there...it would have been ON! And Johnnye Mack Brown was still dancing at Sunday services at Freedom Church.  He couldn't stay in his seat.  But guess what...I was too standing up and praising the Lord at Church that Sunday...so Johnnye had good reason to be dancing Sunday...in fact we all had a glorious reason...Praise the Lord!
  • We should have at least had a line dance. We didn't. I didn't see Travis during this time, Travis Morgan, he's a dancer. He would have danced with all of us who wanted too. lol. You know your friend Clyde coger, had promised to be there and dance, he says he's good.
  • I was there Deb.  Let see me, Richard Manson and I danced and oh he (Richard) Johnnye Mack Brown and I freestyled for a minute...we all just danced together there.  it was fun!


  • Hey Oliver........Richard.......Chuck.......Arthur Franklin....look over here..........[it's me Deb]....Class of '67....I want to dance. Is anybody listening to me?  Well...come on Galen...I know you will dance with me...hahahaha
  • Now I wish one of those good looking men would ask me for a dance...all of that standing around and just talking to other men.  But oops...I wasn't there...was I? Oh well...I can dream...but just don't wake me up...okay?
  • Rock on, Deb!!!!  :^D
  • I didn't, because you knew like all "women" know...we already know what they look like from the "front side"... as well as the "backside"...and the whole package deal is all good!  You get my drift???
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