61 Class Reunion 2011 054

Galen Ollison and Carolyn Fisher, BTW Class of '61.
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  • Very nice pic of you Galen, and Ms Fisher. Love that suit. What will you wear to next event? Think you've started something!! BTW men (known for dressing) better look out. I'm trying to start something. ha ha ha & LOL
  • That is some jacket!!
  • You're kind, Deb ... thanks for liking the jacket (part of the suit I was wearing, the pants look the same). Yes Carolyn is Sharon's sister. I missed the Meet & Greet so I missed Caroly's "liveness". Glad you enjoyed her spirit.


  • Galen, isn't Carolyn...Sharon Fisher's sister.  They have to be...they look too much alike. And when I meet Carolyn at the Meet and Greet, she was full of fun and raring to go.  She was in the "spirit." And Galen...I know I've already commented on your jacket...but boy...I need to get Dwight one of those to match his silver and gray hair...that's a "bad" jacket color...'shut your mouth'...well I'm talking about Galen-----not Shaft....hahaha
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