PREACHER PREACHER! Chaplain Billy Murphy & The G

Rev. Galen Ollison and Rev. Billy Murphy!
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  • WOW! Brother!! You know...there has always been a type of "Halo"...a "Quietness"...a "Purity"...a "Solemn Serenity"...a "Calmness"...a "Peacefulness"...a "Respectfulness"...a "Guiding Beam of Light"...that I have seen around you...and with you, but I couldn't quite put my hands on it or put it into words.  I knew...but I didn't know...but I did know...[you know what I mean] and heart really I did know...but I needed "confirmation" from you, that is why I asked.  And you gave it...boy did you give it...and I thank you and I love you and let me say this:  Thanks for allowing us to be us...with no disrespect given, because you understand "our" thoughts...[excerpt taken from your words on line # 8 and line # 9]...we all come short thanks for always "leaving" your door/'HEART" open to "whomever" wants to come in. Knock...knock....{'who's there?}'s just me Galen..."can I borrow a gallon of milk and a 5 lb bag of sugar and  2-sticks of real butter, and a loaf of Mrs. Baird's Whole Wheat Split Top bread...oh...and one of your cast iron skillets? I'm baking you a LOVE cake Bread Pudding...gotcha! {We are "ALL" in this sweet and "Scrumptious Pudding" of campus Love and Serenity.

  • You are humble and you are kind. Following God keeps you grounded.  There are so many distractions today until it is difficult to follow the path that God chooses for us but you are doing it and I am proud to know you!  

  • Thanks for the kind words, Carolyn and Claudette.
  • Yes I am, Deb, and I will be 'til I leave this earth, no matter what I do professionally and avocationally.  I thank God every day for the calling, my answering, and His choosing many years ago!!! In this day of a plethora of theologies and abberant doctrinal visions and variations, I ESPECIALLY appreciate decades of good teachers, pastors, and minister friends in my life -- past and present -- with, through, and by whom I've grown in the knowledge of and relationship with the Sure Foundation of all spiritual truth -- Christ Jesus!!!

    No apology needed for your mouth, though I appreciate and understand why the thought was said. I remember most language pools we drew from back in the day...know the many words, salty and sweet...and have personally said a buuuuuuunch of the ones I mostly choose now to not say too!  An evangelist friend declared unforgettably to a revival audience years ago, "You ain't forgot how to cuss", and despite the tendency within me to cuss or speak harshly being mostly dead for decades, over the years in a few times of heavy stress and surprise threats I've proved him to be right.

    Abundant Life Church of God in Christ (COGIC) is my new home hangout congregationally, but I long ago became non-denominational in knowledge and purview, ... still, since I believe the rightly-divided Bible from "front cover to back cover" for me that translates into swinging me in a Pentecostal direction foundationally, and I have preached and will preach without a problem in every place to every people that God opens a door for.
  • You looking real good Galen, you too Rev. Murphy.
  • Rev. Ollison...are you really a Preacher.  if so...ooops...please excuse my mouth...I'm still living in the days gone you know what language that was back then....I'm sorry Rev. Ollison.....he=haw---hahahah! What church do you preach out Galen.
  • Mr. Clean as a skeeter's .......yea, that!  Galen and Rev. Billy Murphy, both looking good!
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