How many Bulldog students followed in the footsteps of our teachers as did Class of 1956's Christine Walker and 1958 "Miss Booker T" Charlotte Young? Did you love it? like it? Please join & share your teacher's life with us.
How many Bulldog students followed in the footsteps of our teachers as did Class of 1956's Christine Walker and 1958 "Miss Booker T" Charlotte Young? Did you love it? like it? Please join & share your teacher's life with us.
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After completion of my BS degree from Bishop College, I was hired to teach the 6th grade in Houston, TX. I went on to earn my M. Ed. at TSU and was promoted to a Magnet school Counselor and retired after 36 years. I also matriculated to PV to work
on my PhD.
After graduating Booker T in Jan. 1958, I attended Tuskegee Institute and graduated in May, 1960 in Health & Physical Education. September, 1960 I was hired as a teacher of Girl's Health & Physical Education in Pittsburgh, Pa until I retired in 1985. Thanks to Ms Hollyway as my inspiration to become a teacher.
Amen and amen again, Pastor Kenneth. That was my M.O. this past school year in every class I taught, and I especially got to relate and share those critically-needed encouragements and skills in Algebra where half of the students struggled with even believing they could get their minds 'wrapped around' the concepts given. One of my 9th-grade students -- an All-State volleyball player -- on occasion said in frustration, "I don't do math", but with encouragement Victoria became a tutor to one of her peers in my class. Here are 2 videos I made of her "teaching" him.
So let's go!! We're all ears!