How many Bulldog students followed in the footsteps of our teachers as did Class of 1956's Christine Walker and 1958 "Miss Booker T" Charlotte Young? Did you love it? like it? Please join & share your teacher's life with us.

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  • After receiving a degree in Mathematics from Talladega College, I taught in the states of Texas, Maryland and Alabama. I also earned a Masters Degree in Software Design. My retirement came after 34 years in the classroom having served students from seventh through tenth grades.
  • After completion of my BS degree from Bishop College, I was hired to teach the 6th grade in Houston, TX.  I went on to earn my M. Ed. at TSU and was promoted to a Magnet school Counselor and retired after 36 years.  I also matriculated to PV to work

    on my PhD.

  • After graduating Booker T in Jan. 1958, I attended Tuskegee Institute and graduated in May, 1960 in Health & Physical Education. September, 1960 I was hired as a teacher of Girl's Health & Physical Education in Pittsburgh, Pa until I retired in 1985. Thanks to Ms Hollyway as my inspiration to become a teacher.


  • You have done awesome things as a teacher in every arena, Ken!! It would be great to find out if any of your junior high students had career successes that they credit you and your ingenuity for. Same thing for some of your Vet students. Great history, and thanks for sharing it with us.
  • After graduating with a degree in Mathematics, I was hired by Dr. J. L. Patton to teach math at a junior highschool. Since I did'nt have a teachers certificate the principal gave me the "E-section" student with the advice, don't give them books, and don't let them kill anybody. These were low income family kids mostly white and mexican. There was only one othe black in the school, a young black girl (not one of my students) who would come by every morning to see if I was still there. I taught my students from newspapers, Buying stuff (computing percentages or discounts) keeping a budget, and other fun things. When it came time for the entire school to take a math exam, my students scored just as high as the "regular" students. The principal wanted to know what I did, but I did not tell him. I left Dallas and became the Manager/Teacher of the computer center at North Carolina A&T University, Greensboro, NC. After a year there, I came back to Texas as a US Government Computer Specialist. I taught several Math classes (at night) to returning Veterans at Tarrant County Junior College. I owe my success to the great teachers I had at Booker T.
  • Amen and amen again, Pastor Kenneth. That was my M.O. this past school year in every class I taught, and I especially got to relate and share those critically-needed encouragements and skills in Algebra where half of the students struggled with even believing they could get their minds 'wrapped around' the concepts given. One of my 9th-grade students -- an All-State volleyball player -- on occasion said in frustration, "I don't do math", but with encouragement Victoria became a tutor to one of her peers in my class. Here are 2 videos I made of her "teaching" him.

  • I love teaching, although teaching is also mandatory for all adults. I want to continually relate experiences in life, education, spiritual, and relate to students what is needed to become fruitful, as we say in the church, it is our bounden duty to lead our youth as we were led. Pastor Adams DCOG Divine Church of Grace
  • Finally, after decades of thinking how great a teacher's life could be with all Summer off, two weeks off at Christmas, the joy of giving knowledge to future leaders and more, I've just finished my first full-time teaching year! Maybe I should say "triple-time" -- with Algebra and computer technology classroom teaching (and the time needed to create lesson plans, create tests, grade homework [all night at times], tutor students, communicate with parents), coaching track AND basketball, managing the school's network and re-designing/managing the school's website, some weeks were easily 80-hour work weeks! But in all it's been great and I've learned a lot about a teacher's need to be a time-management EXPERT. Whew!

    Hope you enlighten us with your accounts of how you got into teaching and adventures all along the way .... the small steps ... the bigger victories ... the "let me out of here" times ... we'd LOVE to hear it all !!!

    So let's go!! We're all ears!
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