Thanks to Bonita Titus-Alford we have this treasured newspaper (Dallas Express? -- Dallas Star Post?) record of some academically notable future Bulldogs from 7th and 6th grades if I remember the dates correctly. Bonita's (and Gilda Bunn-Medina's) uncle Edward L. Cowens was our principal. I would date this the Fall or Winter of 1960 going by Galen's long-sleeved flannel shirt. Thanks to all for the fun and friendship in those days filled with wonder, learning, social development and ... well ... even romance.
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  • See me...I'm the second person on the left.  I see my two online buddies to---Galen and Bonita

  • Galen, Bonita Delores Titus Alford and me were all honored as Outstanding students at the BF Darrell.  We all tried to excel to impress our family and our school.  I don't even remember taking this was so long ago. lol  I remember all of the faces too, but can't call them by name.

  • Ya'll that's me...the second person from the left on the bottom row...and my name is printed in the 3rd section of the printed paper.  And that's Galen on the top row on the left with the plaid shirt and "eye glasses" on. And Bonita is the third person on the top row with Galen. See...see...see...ya'll I was Smart.  Or let me saw, 'WE" were and ARE still SMART. Now THAT! (This picture is valuable history...for some Buddy...who can learn from this...hahaha)
  • Sure I can.
  • Galen,

    Can you place this article on Artha Jo's page so she can see it. I'm a novice and I'm not sure how to do it. Thanks!

  • Brenda, I'm glad the article took you back down Memory Lane. :) Most of my favorite B.F. Darrell teachers are mentioned in the article. I'll never for Mrs. Kelly with her matching dresses, shoes and earrings. Mrs Sweat and Ms. Glass were two of the best. Ms. Glass tried to sneak a Bible Study lesson in with her history class. How funny! Take care..... Hugs, Bonita
  • Thank you so much for sharing this article! As I read it, I could visually see myself back in time going through the halls of BF Darrell.....walking under the breezeway to get to and from class to class. What wonderful memories. As I read the names of the staff, so vividly could I see their faces as if it were still yesterday. Who could forget Mr. Cowens! Again, thank you for sharing this treasure. With sisterly love......BJWashington-Thomas
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