REPEAT...REPEAT....Notice Gloria Young Conway on the left with a pink envelope and Nita Young Bradley with her check book...Buddy was asking for a "donation" for his lunch...and my sister's chipped in to help him. But you will also notice that I did not give, because I knew he was begging the others at the table behind us...see Gloria in the Purple top and Travis..he asked that table to help pay for his lunch too. So I knew he would be covered for his I kept mine and I used mine to "tip" the waitress. The waitress needed my tip because Carolyn...the Queen of Twirl" endangered the waitress' life with my baton that she was throwing in the air. Warning: Be careful when you go out to eat with Buddy, he may not be able to pay for his meal, so please, may want to bring some extra money to help him. And the winner of the Name the Pup Contest...this too is a warning to you...Buddy will take your bring your Armour...ha, ah, ha.
Notice Gloria Young Conway on the left with a pink envelope and Nita Young Bradley with her check book...Buddy was asking for a "donation" for his lunch...and my sister's chipped in to help him. But you will also notice that I did not give, because I knew he was begging the others at the table behind us...see Gloria in the Purple top and Travis..he asked that table to help pay for his lunch too. So I knew he would be covered for his I kept mine and I used mine to "tip" the waitress. The waitress needed my tip because Carolyn...the Queen of Twirl" endangered the waitress' life with my baton that she was throwing in the air. Warning: Be careful when you go out to eat with Buddy, he may not be able to pay for his meal, so please, may want to bring some extra money to help him. And the winner of the Name the Pup Contest...this too is a warning to you...Buddy will take your bring your Armour...ha, ah, ha.
As my mother always told us: " Good things are always worth waiting on...and you were well worth waiting on." Now it's Show comes And with you being late...I had planned on saying to you ----gotcha---I'm the liver and onions took precedence and I forgot...that was some good liver and onions. Even Buddy ordered a side order and had them place it in front of me and then I passed it over to know he says he's a chicken lover but he could not resist that liver aroma and he saw everybody else ordering it that he wanted some...and before you got appeared as if he really liked fact...he ordered a second order...smack...smack..smack...I had to tell him to be quite...chew softer...and slowly. He was choking with all that liver and onions in his was "that" good! But enough about Buddy, I know he's still full from yesterday. It was real my made it REAL!
Good Morning Deb, Yes thats Gloria. Girl, it wasn't 45 minutes, it was 30 min. (still to late). I don't think you guys realize my shock when I walked in and all you BULLDOGS were there. what a special moment for me. I'll Never forget it. Yes your "Glo"..SHE WAS THERE ALL THE TIME"<LOL>...Yes ma'am, "THE LIVER AND ONIONS" were bucking (anyone remember that one)...I think at least 8 or 10 of us had it. PLEASE, forgive me for being late. For I am the one who got short changed. I could've had that extra time with you BULLDOGS.
Carolyn is that Glo in the background with the purple on...if so...I met Glo when she came in and when she left with her nephew JC. We talked and she said she had to go home and do her taxes...but I didn't know it was "MY" Glo. She knew us when she walked up to Furr's when we all we outside waiting for the "Guest" of Honor...Who Dat Guest of Honor...where is she...oh...there's Carolyn, she is 45 minutes late...ha, ha,ha...real fun my sister......really good fun! And the liver and onions was to die for. I wonder who all had it? I know I did, Nita and Gloria Jean, and Ira had it...and I think you said you got it too.
Peace In,
All I say is WOW!