Nancy M Brown

Nancy M Brown
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  • Ok Cecil, I need a scanner tho'.  I will get one,  Thanks!

  • It's easy. Download or scan the photo onto your computer to the "my photos-folder" and save it as: Carolyn. Go to the BTW website where you are now to your page  and click +ADD Photo.

    A browser box will open for you to click on to open your saved computer files. Find the picture (Carolyn) you just saved which will be located in my photos files. Highlight the photo and at the bottom of the page the name you gave the photo (Carolyn) will appear in a box click: "open". The photo will appear on YOUR BTW website page. Try it, that's the only way to learn... trial and error. You can do it.


  • Harper's Photography Studios, downtown Dallas.  They were the best back then.  Nice Picture of Nancy, Cecil...very nice.   I got one, I sure will post as soon as I learn how.
  • Well, I know that your wife Nancy is probably just as beautiful as your Mother.(Old saying: "Boys tend to look for women who have some of the characteristics of their Mother.) You know Cecil, I do have (2) pictures that were taken at Harper's. One is an 8x10 - colored like Nancy's and the  other is a 11X14 - black and white. Also, I'm not very familiar on how to post pictures.  The 8X10 was just after I got married and that was...40 years ago. And my husband took it to Viet Nam with him and still today, that picture is sitting on his dresser in "his" bedroom over to his Mother's house.  We didn't bring the picture to our house when we married, because we wanted the memories to stay where they his Mother's house.  And  it was on that very special day... when I said............. I do!
  • By the way, Deb, why don't you post your picture and let's see how many more "Harper's" are still around.
  • Well, thanks a lots for the compliment, except this picture is of Nancy, my wife. She finished BTW in 55. You are correct though, this photo was taken downtown at Harper's studio. Thanks for sharing the memories.
  • Hello Cecil.  I have that same pose...hands crossed" like your mother does..and head tilted to the side. I'm sure she took that picture at "Harper's Studio."  (Correct me if I am wrong...or even if you don't remember where...sometimes the studio's name is printed on the "back" of the photos. And I have that same "white column" in my background pictures. I also took a picture standing up,with me leaning against the column.  My pictures were in black and white, and then later on...Harper's started doing their pictures in this type of color...this is what they called "pictures taken in color"...just like your Mother's picture.  They even "air" brushed  lipstick on their customers. Shes' simply beautiful Cecil!  Thanks for sharing.
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