Now to the "actual" Title of this conversation....God will equip us to handle any situation that comes our way! Well, that leads me to the topic/subject that many do not want to speak on or about and that is grieving. I spoke with my Interim Pastor a couple of months ago about this subject and he said that he was going to do a sermon on this, because there were many other church members who too were still grieving for loved ones and just can't get past it. So he spoke on this subject on Feb 5, 2012 and his scriptures and text really broke it down and cleared and clarified many questions that I had about my loved ones that I too grieve for. And many of the scriptures that he used, [and Evelyn...I already knew this]....but the flesh...the must stay grounded in the word and let it "feed" and "fill" the empty "holes" that many of us have embedded deeply.
You know what soothes my heart when I'm down is the song...I Wish I Could fly. Not actually fly, fly, or I Wish I could fly...but just the "feeling" of flying soothes my heart and soul, because I do believe in The Almighty and it is my Faith & Belief of HIM as my "provider" of [whatever I need...whatever I need] is what equips me and sustains me, because I know that I AM HIS... therefore I will sustain! Love ya sis!
How well do I relate to what you've written. I too have come to realize that "our" consideration of time or season is not necessarily what He who controls everthing considers it (time) to be. We live and learn. Fear is good, because it brings us to a knowledge of Him. Without Him, there is no ME. In Him I move, I live, and I have my being. I own nothing, I am given that- that I have to govern over it. It is He that said, The earth is mine and the fulliness thereof. So, all that is --- Is His! I love you, my sister. May He who gives us life, continue to provide all that we need to!
You know what Evelyn, as I digest and analyze "words" like "THIS LIFE," I used to think of "those two" words [together] meaning..."long time....long time," BUT now, as I cherish each day, each moment, each, each, each, little bitty thing, I have come to think of the word "THIS" life as being....RIGHT NOW...TODAY. You get what I mean? Life...right now, today, the moment. It kinda sounds like I'm RUNNING scared...right? {Just listen to my words...they sound like I'm scared.} And rightly due, because I am "scared" because I have come to realize that my Life is right now. Not life as we all think it to mean...."long time,"....[living to be 85 or 90 years old....and the saying..."oh I got time]....but life is really right now! So I guess I have given myself a wake up call to stop and breathe and listen to everything that comes my way...and to me that's a good thang. What's the old saying: "here today...gone tomorrow."....that is soooooooooooo true. In the twinkling of an eye...just bat your eyes...that is the "blink/twink. So yes, I have been given life because I am strong enough to live it, but the saying does not say....just how long life is. And that is where my mind takes me to. Life....whew.......Life...the right now!
The word: THIS is the "key word" in the sentence.
Now that's deep! I would like to hear other comments to this strong statement, because this statement can mean "many" things...depending on how the "reader" interprets it. [That was "my" interpretation.]
Now to the "actual" Title of this conversation....God will equip us to handle any situation that comes our way! Well, that leads me to the topic/subject that many do not want to speak on or about and that is grieving. I spoke with my Interim Pastor a couple of months ago about this subject and he said that he was going to do a sermon on this, because there were many other church members who too were still grieving for loved ones and just can't get past it. So he spoke on this subject on Feb 5, 2012 and his scriptures and text really broke it down and cleared and clarified many questions that I had about my loved ones that I too grieve for. And many of the scriptures that he used, [and Evelyn...I already knew this]....but the flesh...the must stay grounded in the word and let it "feed" and "fill" the empty "holes" that many of us have embedded deeply.
You know what soothes my heart when I'm down is the song...I Wish I Could fly. Not actually fly, fly, or I Wish I could fly...but just the "feeling" of flying soothes my heart and soul, because I do believe in The Almighty and it is my Faith & Belief of HIM as my "provider" of [whatever I need...whatever I need] is what equips me and sustains me, because I know that I AM HIS... therefore I will sustain! Love ya sis!
How well do I relate to what you've written. I too have come to realize that "our" consideration of time or season is not necessarily what He who controls everthing considers it (time) to be. We live and learn. Fear is good, because it brings us to a knowledge of Him. Without Him, there is no ME. In Him I move, I live, and I have my being. I own nothing, I am given that- that I have to govern over it. It is He that said, The earth is mine and the fulliness thereof. So, all that is --- Is His! I love you, my sister. May He who gives us life, continue to provide all that we need to!
You know what Evelyn, as I digest and analyze "words" like "THIS LIFE," I used to think of "those two" words [together] meaning..."long time....long time," BUT now, as I cherish each day, each moment, each, each, each, little bitty thing, I have come to think of the word "THIS" life as being....RIGHT NOW...TODAY. You get what I mean? Life...right now, today, the moment. It kinda sounds like I'm RUNNING scared...right? {Just listen to my words...they sound like I'm scared.} And rightly due, because I am "scared" because I have come to realize that my Life is right now. Not life as we all think it to mean...."long time,"....[living to be 85 or 90 years old....and the saying..."oh I got time]....but life is really right now! So I guess I have given myself a wake up call to stop and breathe and listen to everything that comes my way...and to me that's a good thang. What's the old saying: "here today...gone tomorrow."....that is soooooooooooo true. In the twinkling of an eye...just bat your eyes...that is the "blink/twink. So yes, I have been given life because I am strong enough to live it, but the saying does not say....just how long life is. And that is where my mind takes me to. Life....whew.......Life...the right now!
The word: THIS is the "key word" in the sentence.
Now that's deep! I would like to hear other comments to this strong statement, because this statement can mean "many" things...depending on how the "reader" interprets it. [That was "my" interpretation.]