Thanks Sis...I'll put this song in my that I can pull it up whenever Buddy and I get in a "heated" conversation. I wonderful "who" would STAY in his corner...besides our Bulldog...the bulldog can't talk roll over Buddy...woooooooof!
Carolyn, it is Cynthia Harris Gooden...See the picture of her on the Main Page with a comment I just made. She, Bozy Ann, Pat, Janice and Dot travel together a lot.
Thanks Sis, with you in my corner...I can never go wrong...[even if I "might" be Slightly...and not "Sitely" wrong...hahaha], but I for one KNOW that YOU are in my corner. Let's sing: " my corner...why don't you just STAY in my corner....come on Piano Man...join know you want to..hahaha.
Wow, Deb saw Clyde. i missed that one too Fred. Maybe he was there, how dare you question Debs' eyesight. Hahahaha! Well, I did meet Arthur Moore and that was a nice treat. And to see Homer decked out and so happy in his shiny shoes. I used his shoe to put on my lipstick Friday nite. And to see him walk into the banquet....that was touching. Mayberry, Travis, was just a good, fun time that I suggest any BULLDOG who can, should do their darnest to not miss a reunion of any kind. Be it a 50th, a breakfast, a luncheon, whereever you hear we're gathering..try to make it. You won't be disapointed. You will be re-connected to someone you haven't seen in a long time. Believe me, our get togethers are BLESSINGS! really was YOU...I just didn't want to embarrass you on campus. But since you are calling names...let me say this.....TAKE THAT 'PATCH' OFF OF YOUR 'DEAD' EYE....hahaha
Deborah I would like to trust that the person you are seeing at Minyard's is Dodie.I have doubts of you being able to recognize people every since you claim to have seen Clyde at the meet and greet, when he was in another county . You said he was a little grayer . I bet that was Santa Claus you saw .
Big Sis...I've just been crying over all of these "goodie" pictures. I guess I must be getting old and sentimental. But to just see these pictures of many of the people who helped to make up and shape many of our lives, brings tears to my eyes. And to think...some of them are gone from this Earth, but we still have "snap shots" of them when they too "walked" on Earth. And Carolyn...oh my Carolyn, for you to get----where I'm coming from----are words unspoken----because you really got it----and you got the message that these are "family jewels" and you need to bring them out and look at them sometimes, because your "jewels" have History behind them.
Here it is Deb....."Stay In My Corner" -The Dells