Are You A Graduate, Former Student (who attended and graduated elsewhere), Friend, Teacher, Former Teacher, School Administrator, School Staff?
Grandaughter of Matthew(Carzetta) Williams,Daughter of Juanita May,Niece of Joe Ollie Williams, Cousin of Carl Williams, Cousin Of Clifford Toodie Cole
City and State I Live In:
Dallas, Texas
About Me:
See Relationship above, long list of BTW alumni family members
Welcome Yatice, It is such a pleasure when family members join with us, and it make us very happy. We look forward to hearing from you because we know you have lots to share, so settle in, look around and get comfortable. We can hardly wait to hear and see all the exciting things you have to share with us, be sure to add a profile picture of yourself, and plenty of pictures of family and friends, so come on Yatice, get a move on we can hardly wait to share with you!!
Welcome back home Yatice. Take Locker #469 as your locker for the year. And don't forget to tell us all what you have been doing and how life has been treating you. We love to talk and have blogs of interest posted so that the campus family can all make their personal comments. So if you want to start a blog of your own that would be of interest to the campus, please do so. Again, welcome home Yatice.
Deborah Young Love - Class of 67
Welcome aboard Yatice ,what a great bloodline of Bulldogs. We want you to feel right at home. You have just got connected to a great site.Now its your site . We are a fun and caring group. Feel free to jump right in with your comments, blogs or you can even start a discussion . Feel free to share pictures, clippings, or anything of interest. So let me give you A big Ole Bulldog Welcome!