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Piano Man back in the States for Christmas

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  • Hello Ms Talk  Radio

  • Love this song.  

  • "NICE"

  • Now that was alright you came straight. You drop your baton during a routine ,but you keep twirling as if it was in your hand . I have to give you credit and respect for that . It take a big person to stand up and tell the campus how you made a fool of your self , Now while you are in that mind set let's tackle your drinking problem ,and then we can see if you live a life inside fantasyland or if you  just like to lie .(Mansion) I don't want to know about all that Hot Merchandise in  your possession,at you Hut,Me being a law abiding citizen ,I have only two options ,one turn you in or make a citizen arrest. You sure don't want me to arrest you. I was told you were stealing from the Dollar Store ,but I found out that you do your boosting from Good Will , you can't get a Ho  Ho  Ho for that ,only a head shake and hand cuffs .

  • I threw it at your head in the stands and it boomeranged back to me and landed on the I keep performing...because if I stopped to pick it up .... Hazel Mae would have never stop baulking over  I did what I needed to do at the keep the line straight...that was my goal...and I think I did an excellent give me a little credit for that

  • Tell us about the baton on the ground. .

  • I'm starting off with my HO HO HO...because you just got caught.  How do you know anything about my mansion...I only allow certain caliber of people in my house and you haven't reached that yet in your career.  New kid on the Block.  Stay in your lane and off of my top shelf're tall but your height still cannot reach my liquor..I have a butler to come in and get on a ladder to get me my liquor...not like you when you get your liquor bootlegged on the street...oops there it goes again.  And Jay Z had money before his wife was captured by his good game and he made he rich.  And yes she can sing too...and as far as her being your ex-maid...she stole all of your cash you had hidden under your mattress...ooops...who still does that?  Come on Mr. Piano Man and get your stuff together.  Ms. Talk Radio is on to you and the campus too...and no little birdie had to tell me that.  Here's another HO HO HO---with a Merry Christmas tacked to the and all that good stuff.

  • What do you know about top shelf ?Other than it a place you can't reach. . Since you live in a mansion why do you still write phone numbers on the wall. Jay Z don't have my kind of money and his wife who's my ex maid can't sing. I can read through the lines when you said your credit card don't have a limit ,  that's is so true you have zero limit ,meaning you can't charge nothing.Ms Talk Radio 5000 is a lot of gifts in your Crib seem like you wore that dollar store out..Although the paper is ugly you were able to boost the dollar wrapping paper to . I saw your bar with all that fake liquor,come on Ms Talk Radio we did that back in the day.Now if you really want me to come by and preform at you spot,pad crib ,but it's not a mansion I will be glad to if you tell the campus one more time how you drop your baton at halftime and keep twirling as if you still  had it in hand . HO HO HO Naw that calls for another            HO HO HO 

  • Mr. Piano getting better every time I talk to you...I guess I am finally rubbing off on got it...low blows...but that is where you always come from...low...where as the 'elite' like me don't throw low blows...we don't ask for favors from people like you who take advantage of people who are doing better than you....ME! lol.  Now come to my bar area in my mansion and see if your selection of those drinks you called out are on the shelf.  I only buy top shelf get my are still in training.  And I talked to Barack and see I can call them that...they are having Jay Z at their house for Christmas...and he is doing it free...because we are "all" friends like that.  Would you like for me to put a good word in  for you to help out your career?  You know I have the "hook up" for anything you need...even hot stuff that you like and buy all the time.  If you stick with me...I may let you use one of many credit cards that have no limit on them.  I let the unfortunate you...who are trying to make it out there in this hard world....use it.  So now-----Ho Ho Ho to you---and you take =====  T H A T --- oops...there it is

  • I had some Jack Daniel Black and Red for you but since your comments , I will have to change that to Old Crow ,Thunderbird and your favorite ,a can of Garrett Snuff . I can't be there at three A M in the morning ,I told the President and Michelle ,that's the only time I will have for them . I think they want my autograph . Question for you Ms Talk radio , are those 500 gifts hot. Ms Talk Radio we all know that your 12 car garage has eleven spaces that only exist  in your mind .I will wear my Red and White because I am a Bulldog to the bone.,no other reason. Why would someone wit h  a Grand Piano and a music room ask me of all people for Pro Bono . You got to be out your                HO.....  HO..... HO  THAT

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