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  • Has your bodyguard's licenses been renewed.  (I don't think so...because you don't pay them enough). Licenses are not good for a life time.  In fact, your bodyguards say that they are using you now, because you haven't paid them since 1962. (You see, I know your bodyguards personally...they are my brothers. So, they came to me with this plan:  They said:  "Boss - (that's what they call me Buddy...and I know you would "love" for them to call you BOSS) they asked me: "BOSS, who is this guy who calls himself the Piano Man?"  I told them...(my brothers)...he's a fraud...and he uses people...don't get captured by his game. Just look at his fingers to see if he has calluses on them.  You won't find any, because he does nothing...he even pays someone to write his messy messages to friends and he sits back and sucks on chicken bones all day!  [Look at the picture above...he's wearing one of his chicken bones around his neck...hahaha....see it dangling?...he-haw!] Now his lips may have calluses on them from the chicken bones cutting into his lips... so be careful around him when he is eating chicken...he'll pop a bone and it will fly all around the ya'!  There goes a chicken bone flying in the air.

    So Buddy, you've been conquered again.......By the Best............ME! And take that chicken bone from around your neck...[that ain't no necklace].... before it pierces and cuts into your chest cavity. hahahaha

  • Hello Ms Talk Radio while traveling all over Europe these three guy from the Projects are a part of my security team. They have strict orders on how I want them to deal with someone as dangerous as you . My bodyguards take their jobs very serious not to mention the secret service , so let by gone's be a thing of the past. You are not ready for the big times , little times either. Your clown job didn't work out go back to one of your old jobs,you were good at catching alligators. There are so many jobs that don't call for brains but I know you will still have problems getting one . As a good token and a  friendly warning please don't use me as a reference. Piano Man is waiting on that chicken dinner .

  • I just received a phone call that our Classmate King Harris Reese has pass . We will have additional information later . Please keep the family in your prayers .
  • We are asking you to do what we four and others have already done , we purchase a full page ad to appear in the class of 1961 Souvenir Book ,we need to do something to help the class of 1966 as well as the BTW Alumni be successful in their efforts . It's all about Bulldogs helping each other . So please join us by contacting Galen(1966) , Cassie(1961) ,Gloria Edwards (BTW ALUMNI) I can't wait to participate in all three Gala Affairs .
  • Buddy - I recognize Larry Stephenson and Oliver Pendleton, but I don't remember the name of the first guy, but I remember his face.
  • And they are??? The Cowboy, the Prince and ??? I know I should know, but their names slips my mind.
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