Let me start with birth. After a child is born the mother will be able to go back to work in a week. Babies will be walking in a month. Talking in three months.Reading by one year old.Doctors will not do anymore cutting. There will be a cure for cancer, Cash Money will be a thing of the past. Seventy five percent of American will have mixed blood.No more Football and boxing .Trains will be as fast as planes. No more driving a car. ,they will be computer control to do the driving. The life expectant of a woman will be 105 while men  will be 100 . You will not be buying gas in fact  there will not be any gas stations.The sound of music will be amazing .No CD I pods . My eight tracks 33,45 and 78 's will be worth a fortune 

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  • There will not be no more homeless people,if so a panhandle will ask for $100.00 A loaf of bread  will cost $50.00 Most track record will be broken.A mile will be ran in three minutes  .No stray dogs and cats .Cruise ships will sail under water as well as on top.The tallest building in the world will be twice the height of the Empire State building.The number one fast food in America will be meatless .The legal age to buy alcohol will be 13 years old.The regular work week will be 20 hours .Retirement age will be 85 years old. Teachers and police officers will get just pay .We will have data implants in our bodies .No more teeth being pull by the dentist . Tooth decay will be a thing of the past .Presidents  term will be for six years.Television will be a thing  of the past . IT will be replaced by something ,what ,I don't know, but it will be much better. Voice activation will work most of your household products. Your voice and finger print will play a major role in your every day life.Trash will not be picked  up it will be dispose of in the can.There will be fewer racist people in the world. Preacher will realize their true calling.The World Powers will change. No more Elise the cow 99% of our milk intake will be man made milk .Auto Zone's will be out of business or in another business because we won't need car parts. No DWI'S, but we will have man made Hurricane's . Man will be able to make it rain.The world will be more about educational programs than entertainment and sport . This will be a smart world . I think rapping will fade .In 200 years man will fly .

  • Birth:  Mothers will go back to work right after delivery.  There will no longer be twins...but clones derived from ones blood-DNA.  You will be able to choose the color of their eyes, hair, height, weight, skin color, and profession.

    There will be a pill developed to cleanse your blood of any disease. 

    Kids:  Will graduate from: Elementary, H.S. and college by the age of -10 years old.  They will be incredibly smart.  They will marry at the young age of 10 and start their families. 

    Doctors will diagnose your health; or give you a physical through the TV in your personal homes, because he will be able to "reach out and touch" you.

    There will no longer be the need to bundle or buy warranties on your appliances because they will never break.

    Aaaaaah Deb!...you are dreaming---hahahaha-oops.

    Ms. Talk Radio Ever Ready - always bringing it to you----straight up when possible


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