It's almost prom time again students.  Do you remember who you went to the BTW H.S. Prom with?  Let's hear the memories and reminiscence on days gone by, but not forgotten.  Get those pretty dresses ready ladies and you guys, put on some of that good smelling cologne and don't forget to buy the wrist flower to match her  And girls as Mrs. Holloway would say:  "Be a lady." And guys as Mr. Patton would say:  "Be a gentleman."

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  • Campus need to read this comment from Dorothy Moore a 1969 graduate of BTW. You will love it and it definitely will bring memories and cover her wonderful experience. This comment needs to be saved and always used to remind us of days gone by....for those who still can remember....hahahaha (Read below: From Dorothy Moore)

    I remember my May 1969 prom. I think it was in the BTW Gym, Mike Purify and Mr Gulley @ the door. Went to the the 3 B shoe store Bakers, Butler and Burts for shoes. Found them a nice little white heel. Mama said, she didn't want me looking too grown. Then we went to Mayfairs, Kresses, H L Greens for the dress. Cause mama said she only made $35 a week and this was a sacrifice to go shopping having 4 children. I didn't say a word as we walked up Bryan St past the Republic Bank and Medical Arts building So, mama decided to go to Good Will there we found the perfect white dress. Mama put it in the cleaners I was ready. I had no date. It was my plan to get a State Cab and just go to the prom. Because I was not going to walk up Ross Avenue, pass Good Lucks in my long white dress. Anyway it was time to go to the Beauty Shop in our kitchens. Straightening comb hot and ready. Mama bumped my hair with the Royal Crown I sat drinkinbg my Mr Cola and eatting my Ike and Mike. Mama had arranged a date for me. Our next door neighbor. We danced the night away funky chicken, mashed potatoe, jerk , and walking the Dog . And the teachers were all at attention when the slow music started. Had a nice time. I did walk back home and on the way to the house we stopped at Good Lucks got hamburger baskets and pineapple malt. Had to get home before the news It's 10 o clock do you know where your children are? Daddy was at the front door on the porch. I was safe.

  • I went to Washington High School in Lake Charles Louisiana. This is a picture of me and my date . I wore baby blue. He wore a black suit and brown shoes. Ever time I run across this picture and see those brow shoes. I have a LOL moment. Jean West Thomas and LJ Robertson Class of 1968.


  • Buddy, just because you had a bad experience with the prom, don't rain on those who had a beautiful memorable time who don't mind sharing...not like some we know.  [You must like the topic because you made two can't fool me Buddy, I know you better than that.]  And if you cannot say anything good...step back...there are others who do.  Don't taint their beautiful moment in time.  And yeah, you were poor, so poor they wouldn't even let you come to the prom and peek through the window.  So go back Buddy, and cry tears on your  pillow. Now take that @@@@@@ Pow!

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